Home LifestyleArts & Music ‘Gogh’ to Phipps Conservatory for art brought to life

‘Gogh’ to Phipps Conservatory for art brought to life

starry night

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens has served as a beautiful fusion of art and nature in Pittsburgh’s Oakland neighborhood since its inception in 1893. Just three years prior to its opening, the world lost one of its most revered artists – Vincent Van Gogh.

The hand behind “Starry Night,” Van Gogh’s influence and renown in the art world has remained steadfast. Put two and two together and you get “Van Gogh in Bloom,” Phipps Conservatory’s exhibition of his works in the form of stunning botanical vignettes, on display through the summer. Stop by to experience them firsthand, or learn more here.

– Logan Armstrong, WordWrite

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