Home Business Snacks to keep your workday productive

Snacks to keep your workday productive

by The 100 Companies

No one enjoys the dreaded 2 p.m. “crash” of the day. Instead of pouring yourself yet another cup of coffee, try snacking on these foods to keep you alert and at your best all day long:

  1. Nuts: From almonds, walnuts and pecans, these nuts help keep your focus in line.
  2. Carrots and hummus: Known to improve memory and your mood.
  3. Water: Hydration is key (especially after those three cups of coffee you’ve already consumed).
  4. Green tea: A healthier (yet still caffeinated) alternative to coffee.
  5. Berries: The darker the berry, the more productivity-boosting ingredients you consume.

Carolyn Taylor, Jones PR

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