Home P100 Podcast P100 Podcast: The difference a century makes

P100 Podcast: The difference a century makes

by The 100 Companies

One of the few solaces we can take right now is the knowledge that pandemics are relatively rare. As we’re seeing, however, their impact is wide-reaching in the moment they are occurring.

Look to a century ago, when the 1918 “Spanish flu” – as it was popularly known, but a misnomer – swept the world and killed 675,000 Americans. In Pittsburgh, over 4,500 succumbed.

In this episode of the P100 Podcast, we’ll compare the 1918 flu to today’s COVID-19 pandemic, recognizing the positive difference a century makes – and the all-too-similar human tragedy that we’re enduring. Thank you for listening and stay healthy.

– Dan Stefano, WordWrite

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