Home P100 Podcast P100 Podcast: Pittsburghers aren’t rude, even if some are jagoffs

P100 Podcast: Pittsburghers aren’t rude, even if some are jagoffs

by The 100 Companies
p100 podcast

There was some Pittsburgh podcast synergy in the newest episode of the P100 Podcast, as we welcomed John Chamberlin and Rachael Rennebeck of the YaJagoff! Podcast. In a lively discussion, we talked about why Pittsburghers aren’t really rude (despite the suggestion of a new survey), the many meanings of the term jagoff, and a special group they support.

In our other segments:

• We discuss the pain of seeing businesses close – and why it’s not always a negative indicator for the city.

• Executive coach Dick Singer talks about leadership in 2020.

• We thank the winners of The Pittsburgh 100’s gift issue contest.

– Dan Stefano, WordWrite

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