Home Featured News Western PA-based program earns national recognition for crisis intervention

Western PA-based program earns national recognition for crisis intervention

Holistic wellness division MyAdvisor re-accredited by the American Association of Suicidology

by The 100 Companies

MyAdvisor, a specialized holistic wellness division of technology company Three Wire Systems based in Ebensburg, was recently re-accredited by the American Association of Suicidology as a Crisis Intervention Center, one of just three in Pennsylvania.

The five-year certification process requires programs to implement systematic and ongoing self-evaluation, as well as assure that individuals in crisis are receiving care that meets national standards.

“Because AAS has such high standards, we can ensure that our training, resources and evaluation process are as current and effective as possible,” MyAdvisor President Jennifer Christman said.

Learn more about what MyAdvisor can do for your organization.

MyAdvisor Care Coordination Team

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