Home History The beginning of America’s modern identity, a century removed

The beginning of America’s modern identity, a century removed

by The 100 Companies
Roaring 20s

2020 will mark 100 years since the beginning of arguably the most (in)famous era in American history: the Roaring ’20s.

Marked by economic prosperity and cultural promiscuity, the world-renowned decade gave rise to multiple cornerstones of our modern American society:

• Automobiles were first mass produced.

• Prohibition went into effect (and gave rise to the speakeasy-style bars we still see today).

• “The Great Gatsby” was penned.

• Babe Ruth broke the single-season home run record, cementing baseball as the American pastime.

The century since has seen love, war and everything in between. What will the next hundred bring us? Only time will tell.

– Logan Armstrong, WordWrite

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